giovedì 24 agosto 2017

Membri della famiglia - Come si dice in cinese?

In Cina, i titoli per i familiari e per i parenti sono più complicati che nei paesi di lingua inglese.
In questo articolo, puoi imparare come chiamare i tuoi familiari o i tuoi parenti in cinese!
Ti capiterà di utilizzare solo alcuni di questi quotidianamente, ma questo è un elenco completo dei titoli che potrai incontrare durante l'apprendimento della lingua cinese.

Famiglia vicina

爸爸(bà ba): papà; 父亲(fù qin)è il modo formale di dire 爸爸(bà ba).
妈妈(mā ma): mamma; 母亲(mǔ qīn)è il modo formale di dire 妈妈(mā ma).

爷爷(yé ye): il padre di tuo padre (tuo nonno paterno); 祖父 (zǔ fù)è il modo formale di dire 爷爷(yé ye).
奶奶 (nǎi nai): la mamma di tuo padre (la tua nonna paterna); 祖母(zǔ mǔ)è il modo formale di dire 奶奶(nǎi nai).

哥哥 (gē ge): fratello maggiore
弟弟 (dì di): fratello minore

姐姐 (jiě jie): sorella maggiore
妹妹 (mèi mei): sorella minore

Nonni e bisnonni

姥爷 (lǎo ye): il padre di tua madre (tuo nonno materno); 外祖父(wài zǔ fù)è il modo formale di dire 姥爷(lǎo ye).
姥姥 (lǎo lao): la madre di tua madre (tua nonna materna); 外祖母(wài zǔ mǔ)è il modo formale di dire 姥姥(lǎo lao).

太爷 (tài yé): il padre di tuo nonno paterno (tuo bisnonno paterno)
太太(tài tai): la madre di tuo nonno paterno (tua bisnonna paterna)

太姥爷(tài lǎo ye): il padre di tuo nonno materno (tuo bisnonno paterno)
太姥姥(tài lǎo lao): la madre di tuo nonno materno (tua bisnonna materna)

Familiari dei nonni paterni

姑奶奶 (gū nǎi nai): la sorella di tuo nonno paterno
姑爷 (gū yé): il marito della sorella di tuo nonno paterno
大爷 (dà yé): il fratello maggiore di tuo nonno paterno
大奶奶(dà nǎi nai): the wife of the oldest brother of your paternal grandfather dad’s.
If he is the second oldest, he is called 二爷 (èr yé), and his wife is called 二奶奶(èr nǎi nai), and so forth.
姨奶奶(yí nǎi nai): la sorella di tua nonna materna
姨爷 (yí yé): il marito della sorella di tuo nonno paterno
舅爷 (jiù yé): il fratello di tua nonna paterna
舅奶奶 (jiù nǎi nai): la moglie del fratello di tua nonna paterna

Familiari dei nonni materni

姑姥姥 (gū lǎo lao): the sister of your maternal grandfather
姨姥姥 (yí lǎo lao):the sister of your maternal grandmother
姨姥爷 (yí lǎo ye): the husband of the sister of your maternal grandmother
舅姥爷(jiù lǎo ye):the brother of your maternal grandmother
舅姥姥 (jiù lǎo lao): the wife of the brother of your maternal grandmother

Your Father’s Side

伯伯(bó bo)or 大爷(dà ye): the older brother of your dad
伯母(bó mǔ) or 大娘(dà niáng):the wife of the older brother of your dad
叔叔 (shū shū): the younger brother of your dad
婶婶(shěn shen):the wife of the younger brother of your dad
姑姑(gū gu): the sister of your dad
姑父(gū fu):the husband of the sister of your dad

Your Mother’s Side:

舅舅 (jiù jiu):the brother of your mum
舅妈(jiù mā): the wife of the brother of your mum
(yí):the sister of your mum
姨父(yí fu):the husband of the sister of your mum
表妹夫(biǎo mèi fu): the husband of the daughter of the sister (or brother) of your mum or of the sister of your dad, if the daughter is younger than you
表姐夫(biǎo jiě fu):the husband of the daughter of the sister (or brother) of your mum or of the sister of your dad, if the daughter is older than you


堂兄(táng xiōng):the son of the brother of your dad, who is older than you
堂弟(táng dì):the son of the brother of your dad, who is younger than you
堂姐(táng jiě):the daughter of the brother of your dad, who is older than you
堂妹(táng mèi):the daughter of the brother of your dad, who is younger than you
表哥(biǎo gē):the son of the sister of your dad, or the son of the brother (or sister) of your mum, who is older than you

表弟(biǎo dì):the son of the sister of your dad, or the son of the brother (or sister) of your mum,who is younger than you
表姐(biǎo jiě):the daughter of the sister of your dad, or the daughter of the brother (or sister) of your mum, who is older than you
表妹 (biǎo mèi):the daughter of ther sister of your dad, or the the daughter of the brother (or sister) of your mum, who is younger than you
表嫂(biǎo sǎo):the wife of the son of the sister of your dad or the wife of the brother (or sister) of your mum


嫂子(sǎo zi):the wife of your older brother
弟妹 (dì mèi): the wife of your younger brother
姐夫(jiě fu):the husband of your older sister
妹夫(mèi fu): the husband of your younger sister

Nephews and Nieces

侄子(zhí zǐ):the son of your brother
侄女(zhí nǚ):the daughter of your brother
外甥(wài shēng):the son of your sister
外甥女(wài sheng nǚ):the dughter of your sister

Your Husband's Family

公公 (gōng gong): the father of your husband
婆婆(pó po): the mother of your husband
大伯子(dà bǎi zi):the elder brother of your husband
大伯嫂(dà bǎi sǎo):the wife of the elder brother of your husband
小叔子(xiǎo shū zi):the younger brother of your husband
小婶子(xiǎo shěn zi):the wife of the younger brother of your husband
大姑子(dà gū zi):the husband of your elder sister
小姑子(xiǎo gū zi):the husband of your younger sister

Your Wife's Family

岳父(yuè fù)or 丈人(zhàng rén):the father of your wife
岳母(yuè mǔ)or 丈母娘(zhàng mu niáng):the mother of your wife
大舅子(dà jiù zi):the elder brother of your wife
大舅嫂(dà jiù sǎo)or 大妗子(dà jìn zi) :the wife of the elder brother of your wife
小舅子(xiǎo jiù zi): the wife of your younger brother
小妗子(xiǎo jìn zi) :the wife of the younger brother of your wife
大姨子(dà yí zi):the elder sister of your wife
小姨子(xiǎo yí zi):the younger sister of your wife

You may want to bookmark this page or come back when you come across a “family title” you do not know. Just remember: knowing the exact meaning of the different ways to call family members and relatives will put you one step closer to reading and speaking Chinese like a native!